Our Team

Venerable Nick Santacitto

Venerable Michael Viradhammo

Nolan Pokpongkiat

Our Mission

Through the 3 pillars of EDUCATION, RESEARCH, & EVENTS, we help leaders and organizations become models of inner peace and wisdom. Our approach bridges the practicality of the mental health field with the depth of Buddhist wisdom to map out a simple and universal path to overcoming modern problems and discovering true well-being and balance. As dedicated practitioners of the wisdom we share, it is an honor and a privilege to pass on the knowledge and tools that have transformed our lives to those seeking growth and change. We hope you will join us by lighting your own inner candle of goodness and wisdom as we collectively make this world a brighter place!

Our Work with Others

How We’re Spreading Inner Peace & Wisdom via Events & Projects

(Click on the photos below to see its corresponding description & gallery)

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